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Reality Net System Solutions


  • Digital Forensics

    Digital Forensics is the discipline that deals with the identification, preservation, analysis and documentation of digital data in order to present evidence applicable both in civil and criminal proceedings.

    • Expert Advice during the seizure, inspection and recording evidence
    • Acquisition of data using forensic techniques and methods, hash and chain of custody
    • Extraction of deleted or hidden information, timeline reconstruction, indexing and keyword searching
    • Analysis of Windows, Apple and Linux computer and server, mobile devices (i.e. Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BlackBerry), network dump and log files
    • Documentation and final reporting, conservation on protected dedicated servers, expert reports and presence in front of civil or criminal court


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  • Forensic Readiness

    Information systems are the main support for the preservation of the whole business know-how. Every company implements security systems that can meet the threats that may arise, but also the most advanced systems can be breached or compromised. Therefore it becomes very important to get ready to face a computer crash.

    • Analysis of the existing information system
    • Defining new retention policy
    • Implementation of defined policies
    • Drawing up the plan forensic readiness
    • Periodic verification of compliance with policies
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  • Incident Response

    Incident response is an organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or attack (also known as an incident). The goal is to handle the situation in a way that limits damage and reduces recovery time and costs.

    • Preparation
    • Identification
    • Containment
    • Eradication
    • Recovery
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  • Mobile Security

    Nowadays mobile devices are the main communication system in all companies. We often use such devices to exchange sensitive or private information. For this reason it is essential for companies to adopt best practices with the aim of making their safe use.
    Recent years have ushered in a new era of enterprise mobility: the use of notebook and mobile phone was passed to devices such as smartphones and tablets that allow you to put together different needs.

    • Risk Analysis study of the security state of the mobile systems inside a business network, spotting of critical and risk elements, estimate of the probability and costs of possible attacks
    • Policies and Procedures definition of business policies and processing of specific procedures for mobile device introduction, management and disposal
    • Mobile Device Management advice service in the choice and installation of an MDM service for the management of the whole mobile device business asset
    • Penetration Testing survey of the business implemented defense system and testing of the mobile devices in different scenarios (e.g. lost or stolen device, Wi-Fi access, installation and use of apps, possibility of jailbreaking or rooting)
    • Malware Analysis malware analysis on business devices and discovery of private and sensitive data transmission outside
    • App Analysis security analysis of business implemented mobile apps with the most commonly used standards (e.g. OWASP Mobile Security Risks, PCI-DSS)
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